
dear that woman,

          kaw cantik , kaw kaya , kaw fashionable
          kaw mampu milik segala sebab parents kaw memang dah kaya,
          kaw ramai kawan (neither truely bestfriend or just friends IDK) ,
          ramai supporter just sebb kaw cantik
          and pandai cakap omputih bile kaw nk marah2 orang
          so kaw bleh cakap ape saje bile kaw xsuke ssuatu perkara or sseorang,
          macam dunie ni engkaw y punye, macam engkaw seorang je perfect.
          i just wanna tell u this,
          once kaw dah tunjukan sikap annoying kaw tu , kaw akan nampak seperti

sincerely , with love

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